Breaking News: Multiple Announcements

I’ve decided to make an extra post this week because I cannot contain my excitement about an upcoming game that has been criminally disregarded.  The upcoming game does not yet have a release date but a few details have surfaced that give it some real promise.

Here’s what we know so far:

  • ​Science-based
  • 100% Dragon
  • MMO

A few smaller details have leaked as well, but they have not been confirmed.  We know the game will deal with evolution, and that all playable characters will be dragons.  Further, we know the game has been in development for at least two years.  It will contain “dragon breeding” to “continue the bloodline.”  Here is an early screenshot of the game:

100% science-based Dragon MMO

Secondary to this ambitious project is that The Last Guardian now officially has a release date.  Sony has announced that it will ship later this summer with beta access starting this weekend.  It will have full compatibility with VR — supposedly the VR technology is what kept the game from releasing on PS3 and waited for the leap to next-gen.


In other Sony/Playstation related news, they are porting the entirety of PS1/PS2/PS3 to Vita, with a release schedule to be announced in the coming months.  To satiate players, they are releasing Ni No Kuni for Vita, free for Plus members, in two weeks.

Ni No Kuni VIta

Presumably in anticipation of these announcements, Microsoft has announced that Xbox Live is now free for all Xbox One owners, eliminating any monthly fees, similar to PS3’s system.  Games for Gold will switch to a rotating system where users can pick ANY one single game to “have” for the month.  The game will then be unavailable until purchased at the end of the month.

Nintendo, at the heels of both of the aforementioned moves of its competitors, has announced that it will be re-releasing all of the previous Pokemon games for its NX in full, open-world 3D.  Sources say it will be like “Skyrim, but with Pokemon, and much, much better graphics.”  The game will have online play, and full 3D battles.  Users can choose to have real time arena combat similar to Kingdom Hearts, or choose to stay in “Classic Mode” with turn based combat.  A completely new title will be released next Spring, including cross-PC support, and ability to “watch” your Pokemon through a smartphone app to train on the go.

Pokemon MMORPG

Finally, in the PC world, Valve has announced that Half Life 3 will be released exclusively for PC and Nintendo NX.  Not much detail has been revealed, other than that it was delayed due to the conclusion of the game “completely changing playtesters lives.” Given its inevitable impact on society, it had to be delayed until the Vive released, since it will of course be fully compatible with the new hardware and included at launch with every unit.

Half Life 3 Logo


If the last paragraph didn’t tip you off to the theme of this post let me help you: APRIL FOOLS!  Sorry to get your hopes up.

April Fools







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