Winterveil Festival: Opening 50 Packs

It’s the holiday season and Blizzard is putting on a Hearthstone promotion where purchases of 40 or more Classic packs come with an additional 10 packs.  It’s an alright addition if you don’t have a lot of Classic staples, but underwhelming otherwise.

Luckily, I did need one last big batch of Classic packs and decided to take up the promotion.  Combined with Amazon’s coin deal, I was able to get the 50 packs for $35 (I had a $5 promotional credit from somewhere).  I normally play Hearthstone on an Android tablet, so it was easy enough to utilize the coins.  Basically, the coins act as the in-game currency, and you can buy the coins at a discount through Amazon (20% when I did it).  50 packs for $35 isn’t too shabby.

I’ve been playing Hearthstone since beta, although I’ve had lull periods where I got bored and didn’t play for stretches.  I’ve actually been free-to-play the entire time, which has made making multiple Ranked-tier metagame decks difficult.  I don’t have a lot of legendaries, but I do have the Naxx adventure, and part of BRM.  I needed to get some Classic staples as well as some dust to craft other quality decks (and maybe get a solid legendary or two?).  Here’s a couple of screenshots of the ultimately disappointing string of 50 packs:

First legendary of the bunch … I’ll take it!

Next legendary.  A little more useful.

This pack solidified my ability to play Paladin Murloc

This was probably my best overall pack – I didn’t have any Cabals, Bursts, or Equalitys

So I got two legendaries, neither of which are used in the current meta but were interesting nonetheless.  Got a few rares I needed but ultimately missed on a couple of staples I was hoping for.  With two packs left, I’m sure I’ll get something really good (Ragnaros! Sylvanas! Thalnos!).  What did I get in the two packs?

Alright, ok, my Shaman looks a little better

Yikes.  Kinda sums up the the packs on the whole.

So, those were the highlights of opening 50 packs.  To be honest, I expected more (especially in the way of epics).  I got two Far Sights, and two Bestial Wraths.  That doesn’t help much.  Guess I’ll need to get my fill over at the Hearthstone Pack Opening Simulator.

I did keep some stats on the opening.  I received 57 new cards to my collection.  I disenchanted 2 epics, 30 rares, and 167 commons for a total of 1635 dust (not including extra goldens which I also tend to disenchant).  I now have a sizeable pile of dust to try and get at least one or two solid cards with.  I’ve been debating and there seems like one obvious choice…


Dr. Boom Craft Me

The Balance is Real

That concludes the summary of opening 50 Classic packs in Hearthstone.  I did get most of the remaining commons I needed, along with a couple of staples like Cabal.  The question now is, what do I craft?  Please give suggestions in the comments below!




5 thoughts on “Winterveil Festival: Opening 50 Packs

  1. Happy feast of Winterveil! Deathwing and Hogger are cool cards, even if they don’t see much play. I can’t blame you for crafting Boom with the dust you accrued. Every deck seems to have him.

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  2. The eternal question of what to craft. One thing to consider is how attached you are to classes in particular. If you really want to do well in Rogue for example, you will want to craft Bloodmage Thalnos, and typically people don’t have Preparation. Antonidas is devastating if you like playing Mage.

    If you’re going for versatility among classes, the neutrals are the way to go. I crafted Dr. Boom only because I thought he would be nerfed (to get the full 1600 dust), but it never happened. Nonetheless, he can fit in most decks. Ysera is also a card I see slotting into lots of decks.

    All in all, don’t rush your decision to craft (since it takes forever to build dust). But if you feel strongly about playing a class, you can craft something good with confidence.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the advice. That has been the debate I’ve had lately, whether to try and specialize a class or two to really have a viable deck. I play most classes (except shaman really) so I think Dr Boom or Sylvanas would be good starting points due to their versatility. My weakest class is probably warrior as I don’t have shield slam or brawl nor some of the legendaries required for control and patron was nerfed.


      • I actually never had Sylvanas until this summer when I got her in a free Tavern Brawl pack. She is a more control-oriented card while Dr. Boom is just high value. Can’t really go wrong with either, but I say an edge for Boom just because he can work in more decks than Sylvanas.

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